Proper Name of Planet
Formal Designation
Planetary Statistics
Planet's Major Moons
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System of Taiyan B
aka. “44 Boötis B”
Distance from Earth: 41.7 light-years
Age of System: 1,450 million earth years
Star Type: *W Ursae Majoris variable spectroscopic binary
aka. a “peanut star” Two close contact stars whose outer envelopes touch each other, forming a peanut-like shape.
44 Boötis Ba:
star type: G0V, “yellow main-sequence”
diameter: 774,000 miles (0.89 Rsun)
44 Boötis Bb
star type: K V, “orange main-sequence”
diameter: 574,000 miles (0.66 Rsun)
Taiyan I
Hot Gas Giant
Distance from sun: 28 million miles
Diameter: 26,604 miles (3.36 Earth's diameter)
Orbital Period: 59.17 earth days (0.148 Fusan years)
Rotation Period: 118.34 earth days
Atmosphere: He, CH4
Gravity: 0.9 g
Axil Tilt: 0°
Moons: 10 minor
Taiyan II
Hot Venusian World
Distance from sun: 51 million miles
Diameter: 8,468 miles (1.07 Earth's diameter)
Orbital Period: 146.83 earth days (0.368 Fusan years)
Rotation Period: tidally locked
Atmosphere: 980 psi; H2O, CO2
Gravity: 1.81 g
Axil Tilt: 4°
Moons: 2 minor
Taiyan III
Temperate Oceanic World w/ rings
Distance from sun: 68 million miles
Diameter: 14,448 miles (1.82 Earth's diameter)
Orbital Period: 224.52 earth days (0.563 Fusan years)
Solar Day: 11:32 earth hours
Atmosphere: 40 psi; CO2, SO2
Gravity: 1.78 g
Axil Tilt: 18°
Moons: 2 major, 5 minor
Taiyan IV & V
Double Planet: both Earth-like
Distance from suns: 99 million miles
Distance between Fusan and Naraka: 244,000 miles
Orbital Period: 398.634 earth days (8.7 Fusanese/Narakan days)
Solar Day*: 45.82 earth days
Diameter of Fusan: 5,998 miles
Gravity of Fusan: 0.69 g
Diameter of Naraka: 4,372 miles
Gravity of Naraka: 0.51 g
Axial Tilt: 15°
Moons: none
Notes: Colonised in 6670 A.D.
.......Fusan terraformed in the 67th to 70th Centuries.
.......Naraka terraformed in the 67th to 72nd Centuries.
*Because the same sides of both planets always face eachother
the lengths of day on Fusan and Naraka are exactly the same
and are equal to the orbital period of the two planets about eachother.
Taiyan VI
Cold Ice World
Distance from sun: 270 million miles
Diameter: 3,117 miles (0.39 Earth's diameter)
Orbital Period: 4.958 earth years (4.54 Fusan years)
Solar Day: 2.837 earth days
Atmosphere: none
Gravity: 0.16 g
Axil Tilt: 1°
Moons: 1
System of Taiyan A
aka. “44 Boötis A”
Distance from Taiyan B: 2,120 to 6,570 million miles
Star Type: F V, white main-sequence star
Diameter of sun: 951,000 miles (1.1 Rsun)
Orbital Period: 209.8 earth years
Daruna I
Hot Desert World
Distance from sun: 64 million miles
Diameter: 5,070 miles (0.64 Earth's diameter)
Orbital Period: 198.39 earth days (0.498 Fusan years)
Solar Day: 2.986 earth days
Atmosphere: 4 psi; CO2, SO2, C2H4, H2S, C2H2
Gravity: 0.63 g
Axil Tilt: 4°
Moons: none
Daruna II
Small Gas Giant w/ rings
Distance from sun: 239 million miles
Diameter: 30,934 miles (3.9 Earth's diameter)
Orbital Period: 3.93 earth years (3.6 Fusan years)
Solar Day: 8:19 earth hours
Atmosphere: H2, He
Gravity: 2.0 g
Axil Tilt: 31°
Moons: 3 major, 9 minor
Daruna III
Cool Lunar World
Distance from sun: 428 million miles
Diameter: 4,211 miles (0.53 Earth's diameter)
Orbital Period: 9.42 earth years (8.6 Fusan years)
Solar Day: 33:25 earth hours
Atmosphere: none
Gravity: 0.22 g
Axil Tilt: 15°
Moons: 4 major, 2 minor
Daruna IV, V & VI
Triple Planet three ice worlds orbiting eachother
Distance from sun: 545 million miles
Orbital Period: 13.5 earth years (12.4 Fusan years)
Diameter of IV: 1,174 miles (0.15 Earth's diameter)
Diameter of V: 728 miles (0.09 Earth's diameter)
Diameter of VI: 622 miles (0.07 Earth's diameter)
Gravity of IV: 0.32 g
Gravity of V: 0.03 g
Gravity of VI: 0.04 g
Atmospheres: none